Everyone has a dream to chase. But no dream is chased in isolation from the goal in the first place and a combination of factors that lead to fulfilment of that goal. India is riding high on successful entrepreneurial stories. An Entrepreneur today, regardless of the domain of function, is the foundation on which inspiration stands and transcends lives. And more often than not, entrepreneurs today are increasingly operating from Co-working spaces.
An attribute about a Co-working space today is that due to its DNA and structure, more and more such places are increasingly mushrooming in different parts of India and increasingly, entrepreneurial powers of the Start-up culture are taking to them like a fish to water.
So lets visit some common advantages and benefits of operating from a Co-working space
- Your fully equipped office
Co-working spaces aren’t any stopgap kind of an arrangement instead of a regular office. These are fully equipped with all essential support structures that a business or an idea needs in order to fulfil its goals and objectives. Common features, in this regard mean- mailboxes, spacious conference rooms, IT support infrastructure and other facets. You can work for as long as you want and tirelessly so in the presence of these support systems.
- An economically viable support for start up culture and entrepreneurs
One of the major concerns for most start-ups is the availability of finances. Those enterprises that are sufficiently backed by resources and finances need not look toward in this direction but for a bootstrap entrepreneur there could be possibly nothing as handy as a Co-working space. For being cheaper in affordability and well within the reach of an entrepreneur’s finances, this is the way to go!
- It is a win-win for a Co-working space owner and an entrepreneur
There aren’t any great stakes involved in this process, truth be told. While an entrepreneur needn’t worry about the infrastructure- its cost, upkeep, repair and other financial challenges, save for the rent he’s got to pay for- those who own the infrastructure have the advantage of having regular inflow of funds in order to take care of burgeoning costs, if they ever may be some.
- A regular office environment
Even though an entrepreneur doesn’t own a Co-working space, he has the advantage of enjoying work in an absolute familiar sense, akin to a regular corporate space or work. Work cultures here are defined by the bright enthusiasm and keen communication between different kinds of people who are involved in shaping up ideas, ideologies, solutions and services. Therefore, what one experiences in a Co-working space is a direct communion between youthful energies and path-breaking ideas leading to an environment that fosters change and is indefatigable of sorts.
- A handy environment for making contacts, establishing communication
Co-working spaces offer a readily available environment in which to interact from different people- who may not necessarily be working in your direction and whose paths and processes are very different from those of yours. It is also nice to know what another business is doing and the vibrant forces behind it. Similarly, you’ve got the advantage of exchanging hands, ideas and, pleasantries regarding your idea and work with different sources that may, at the end of it all, benefit you in some way. Does a regular one-office environment provide this efficacy? Perhaps not!