
Is it Really a Wise Decision  to Opt for Coworking Space? 

With startups and freelancing over the years attaining high social currency, coworking space have really come on its own. They are no longer living an obscure life in a non-descript neighborhood, but have arrived in the very heart of our busy cities. Today they are brimming with flickering hope, where next generations of entrepreneurs are daring to create a new world order. And joining them in this pursuit are new age freelancers, who are challenging the norms of traditional corporate jobs in their own way.

coworking space

However, there seems to be an overwhelming tendency to romanticize the idea of coworking space, just as is happening with startups. There is certainly need to look at coworking space in a more holistic way that will allow us to dwell into the real pros and cons. This will prove very handy for budding entrepreneurs and freelancers to decide whether they really should settle for co-working space or not.

This article tries to do exactly that as we’ll try to bare out everything about the coworking pace. In case, if you’re currently facing many puzzling questions on whether you must really opt for coworking space or not, this article will certainly help in offering a definite answer.

Pros of Coworking space

Networking: it is a blatant fact, irrespective of whether you like it or not, that networking really matters in today’s age of rapid globalization. If you agree with this proposition, then you’ve a good reason to settle for coworking space. Owing to the nature of co-working space, you may find someone who may end up becoming your client or else may help you in getting touch with one. Besides, you may also receive unexpected professional help from a colleague, who may have all the talent and skills to complete your challenging task.

In a nutshell, co-working space is a place brimming with talent, skills, like-minded people and every other damn thing that will lend ample opportunities to make real and meaningful networking.

Professional ambience:

Working from your home with your pajamas on is such a tempting thing. It comes across as a heaven where you can choose to be in your comfort zone. However, freelancers and entrepreneurs choosing to work from the comfort of their home or upscale cafeteria will invariably missing the professional settings and all the advantages that come along with it. Two of the notable advantages that co-working space offer are ‘discipline’ and ‘sense of respectability.

Creativity & inspiration

Since co-working space are brimming with diverse talents, they never run short of creativity and inspiration. Even on a rough day, a good co-working space can provide ample food for thought & also good reasons to cheer up. A budding entrepreneur certainly cannot ask for more, but a place that offers plenty of inspiration when chips are down.


Cons of Coworking space

Costly: Even if coworking space claim to be affordable, they charge premium rent from their customers. In return of the hefty fees, you end up getting only a desk, chair and internet connection. Besides, you most probably will have to arrange your own laptop. In case if you don’t have one, you’ll be required to install a system. With so little to gain after paying such an exuberant fees, sooner or later you may feel the rent is sort of unjustified. Unless, of course, you have a strong pool of clients who pay you good money at end of every month.

May look like a routine job: After few months or even few weeks, working in a coworking space may feel like a trap. The same trap that you managed to free yourself from after quitting your high paying corporate job. After all, there is hardly any difference in co-working office and corporate office. The office desk, people continuously gazing at their laptops and the air-condition room that sometimes get too cold for your own comfort.

Transportation & Commuting: The one thing that we probably hate most about our corporate job is the amount of precious time & energy that we spent in commuting. You’ll have to experience the same inconvenience if you opt for a co-working space. Even if you commute by your own private vehicle, you’ll still end up losing great amount of time & energy in every day traffic jams.  But more than time & energy, you’ll losing greatly on productivity. Something that you won’t have to compromise if you choose to work from home.


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